Friday, October 3, 2008

Meet the Spin Wrangler

Hello, I wanted to start a blog of this nature for several reasons:

1. Exposure of any spin becomes in peoples minds...truth.
2. I'm in a search for my own truth and feel like I'm on a trail to something good, I'd like to take you with me.
3. The "no spin zone" aka O'Reilly is a danger to America. By claiming a "no spin zone" it leads us to believe that we can rely on Bill to tell us how it really is, that his opinions are truth. That's wrong and he knows it, Fox knows it, unfortunately many people can't see that.

I'm not saying people can't think for themselves, they can. It is actually a great power and very refreshing to know that we have an unbelieveable power in this day-in-age to seek out information and sift through it to find our own truths. I guess this is my real goal. I want to look into the world of public policy, ethics and the general direction of the nation. With it I can tell you, I'll have my "two cents". So who am I:

I vote mostly democratic. I would consider myself a moderate. I have a passion for giving as much as possible where it is effective and folding where it is not. That's right, I have blown away my republican's friends minds when I say that I would have no problem giving more money in taxes if I knew all of it was going towards an efficient common good. I believe we need serious reforms to our welfare system and a hard look at many other areas of spending. I think it's funny that more American's may know the name of J-Lo's twins than may know their U.S. Representative. I'm guilty of catching E! News every once in a while as well but I still have to admit, I could probably get a lot more out of checking out some real news that might actually affect me :-) Please stay with me and check in every once in a while. Mark it as a "feed" if you want, those are always neat, they update when you open your browser. Until we meet again,

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Yay for moderates! I didn't even know you had this blog. Whoops.